Bonou A., Wünscher T., Adégbidi A.A., Diaw A. (2018) Impact of Floods on Farmers’ Livelihoods in the Semi-arid Zone of Benin. In: Saito O., Kranjac-Berisavljevic G., Takeuchi K., A. Gyasi E. (eds) Strategies for Building Resilience against Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Science for Sustainable Societies. Springer, Singapore.

Fandohan, A. B., Chadare, F. J., Gouwakinnou, G. N., Tovissode, C. F., Bonou, A., Djonlonkou, S. F. B., … & Assogbadjo, A. E. (2017). Usages traditionnels et valeur économique de Synsepalum dulcificum au Sud-Bénin. BOIS ET FORÊTS DES TROPIQUES, (332), 2.

Bonou, A., Diagne, A., Biaou, G. (2013). Agricultural technology adoption and rice varietal diversity: A Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) Approach for rural Benin. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference of African Association of Agricultural Economists, Yasmine Hammamet, Nabeul, Tunisia, 22-25 September 2013, 14 pages.

Kinkingninhoun-Medagbe, F.M., Diagne, A, Bonou, A., Seck, P. A., and Amovin-Assagba, E. (2013). Seed issue in rice farming in Africa: access and demand of improved seed by farmers and prospects for improving the system. In : Proceedings of 4th International Conference of African Association of Agricultural Economists, Yasmine Hammamet, Nabeul, Tunisia, 22-25 September 2013, 17 pages.

Alice Bonou-Fandohan

Dr. Alice Bonou Fandohan obtained her Ph. D. in Economics in 2016 from University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal (Faculty of Economics and Management) with a dissertation entitled “Impact of Floods on the Livelihoods of Farmers in the Context of Forest degradation and Climate change: Case Study of Benin Republic”. She also holds a Research Master in Natural Resources Management (specialization in econometrics) and an Engineer degree (specialization in agricultural economics) by the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Prior to coming to ASE, Dr. Bonou worked as an Impact Evaluation Specialist at AfricaRice (Center of Rice for Africa) in Abomey-Calavi (2010 and 2012). She has also worked as an Impact Evaluation Consultant for ICRISAT in Bamako, Mali (2016).

Contact: abonou[at]