À propos de nous

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Fondée en 2014, l’African School of Economics (ASE) est une université panafricaine diplômée dédiée à la production de recherches économiques de pointe, de politiques publiques et de spécialistes des sciences sociales et économiques de renommée mondiale sur le continent. ASE, dont le siège est à Abomey-Calavi, au Bénin, héberge un certain nombre d’instituts affiliés, dont l’Institut de recherche empirique en économie politique (IERPE).

Diplômes offerts

L’ASE propose actuellement quatre diplômes de maîtrise, plusieurs diplômes de premier cycle, un doctorat et un Pre-Doctoral Program. Le programme de premier cycle a été lancé au cours de l’année universitaire 2018-2019.

Institutes and Research Labs

ASE is home to several key institutes:

Institute of Empirical Empirical Research in Political Economy (IERPE)

Founded in 2004, IERPE specializes in empirical social sciences research with special focus on political economy and development economics. The Institute has conducted over 25 projects including a multi-year public opinion research (Afrobarometer), education and social mobility and, experimental research in political economy and governance.

Institute of Finance and Management (IFM)

The Institute of Finance and Management promotes financial and private sector development in Africa by building and exchanging knowledge on financial services and market access among researchers, business leaders and governments.

Development Research Lab (DRL)

The Development Research Lab, in collaboration with EtriLabs and KhulaTech, focuses on expanding the role of technology to promote good governance in Benin. The DRL also houses the Transportation Research Institute (TRI), examining the links between transportation infrastructural development and poverty alleviation. The DRL offers workshops and certificates in software and transportation logistics.

Institute of African Studies (IAS)

The Institute of African Studies will promote the understanding of African history, sociology, linguistics, and anthropology through numerous courses, art showcases, and literary events.

Institute of Biotechnology and Agricultural Science (IBSA)

IBSA, set to launch in September 2018, will be comprised of education and training, including a Master’s program in Agribusiness. At IBSA’s research laboratory, scientists will collaborate with agricultural experts to research potentially lucrative plant species and efficient growing techniques. Lastly, IBSA offers on-the-ground experience to ASE Agribusiness students in techniques of agricultural production and transformation.

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