Certificate in Impact Evaluation

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  • Design and implementation of impact evaluation studies
  • Analysis and interpretation of experimental and quasi-experimental data sets
  • Introduction to implementation strategies of public policy reforms

Course Description

  1. Introduction to statistical software (12 hours)
  2. Introduction to impact evaluation (12 hours)
  3. Experimental methods (18 hours)
  4. Non-experimental methods (18 hours)
  5. Quasi-experimental methods: Discontinuous Regression Model (RD) (12 hours)
  6. Cost Effectiveness Analysis (9 hours)
  7. Mixed methods and influence policies (12 hours)
  8. Appendices- Final presentations (9 hours)


102 hours (evenings)




ASE Campus in Abomey-Calavi, Benin

ASE Campus in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire


300.000 FCFA

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